


ARC Facilities Revolutionizes Building Information Access, Freeing Technicians to Be More Productive on the Go

Facilities are filled with information – in people’s heads, on shared drives, on scraps of paper – making it hard to reach the hands of technicians in the field who need building info to make critical equipment, maintenance, and safety-related decisions....

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  • ARC Facilities
  • 28 Aug 2023
A Profile of Reese Spindle
Excellence and innovation in Facilities, Financials, and Operations

Reese Spindle has had a lot of different roles throughout her career. One powerful thread ties her story together – the ability to drive process improvement, change management and expertly deal with anything finance related – no matter the industry....

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  • Jack Rubinger
  • 21 Aug 2023
Airport Facilities Management Teams for ADA Compliance
Empowering Airport Facilities Teams for ADA Compliance:
Mobile Apps and Innovative Solutions

In recognition of the 33rd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Disability Pride Month, White House officials discussed ways to help people using wheelchairs navigate through airports via the Airport Terminals program which also addresses the aging infrastructure of the nation’s airports....

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  • Jack Rubinger
  • 17 Aug 2023
Behind the scenes of stadium facility management software
Stadium Facilities Teams:
Behind-The-Scenes Heroes for Memorable Fan Experiences

While fans are waiting in line thinking about hot dogs vs. nachos, finding their seats, checking out the larger-than-life digital scoreboard and settling into the game, there are many moving pieces, parts, and people behind-the-scenes working in stadium facilities teams....

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  • ARC Facilities
  • 10 Aug 2023
Proactive Emergency Preparedness Strategies for Facilities Teams
Navigating Emergency Scenarios:
Tips for Facilities Teams to Stay Proactive

With their up-close-and-personal knowledge of facilities, relationships with first responders and security team members, and daily interactions with the folks who live and work in our buildings, facility teams play an essential role in effective emergency preparedness....

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  • ARC Facilities
  • 20 Jul 2023
The Significance of Accurate FCAs and Equipment Inventory Management
Maximizing Operational Performance with Facility Condition Assessment:
The Role of Precise FCAs and Equipment Inventory Management

Many organizations, including municipalities, schools, hospitals, and manufacturers are currently or planning to do a Facility Condition Assessment (FCA). These assessments are critical for preservation of physical infrastructures and prioritizing capital expenditures, maintenance, and repairs....

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  • ARC Facilities
  • 19 Jul 2023
Top Four Facility Management Safety Tips
Top Four Safety Tips for 4th of July

Ensuring people’s safety is #1 on the list of all facilities managers, but special occasions like the 4thof July demand elevated safety consciousness with fireworks, outdoor events, and increased foot traffic....

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  • ARC Facilities
  • 29 Jun 2023
Evaluating Historic Buildings through a Facility Management Lens
Looking at Historic Buildings
from a Facility Management Lens

There are dozens of vital and vibrant universities and hospitals built more than 100 years ago that are still operating today. Historical buildings have challenges associated with documenting existing equipment and shut-off locations....

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  • ARC Facilities
  • 28 Jun 2023
A Profile of Amanda Stephens
Building a better platform for career development and furthering facility management knowledge

Amanda Stephens, the Administrative Director of Operations at Methodist Specialty and Transplant Hospital in San Antonio, grew up in a small town in Oregon. At her high school, students were required to take shop classes, including auto shop, metal shop, woodworking, so that was Amanda’s initial experience with the trades....

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  • Jack Rubinger
  • 14 Jun 2023
Illuminating Insights: How Facility Management Software Enhances Facility Lighting
Illuminating Facts About Facility Lighting

Illuminating Facts About Facility Lighting...

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  • ARC Facilities
  • 31 May 2023
A Profile of Nicole Sanderson
Developing an Image for Higher Education Facility Management

Some people fall in love with their college campuses and never leave. Nicole Sanderson has found her happy place at the University of Washington Bothell where she earned a BA in Multi-Disciplinary Studies and has held several positions following graduation including program director, fiscal specialist, maintenance & construction coordinator. ...

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  • Jack Rubinger
  • 16 May 2023
Facility Chats linkedin_832x300_rubinger_westall v2.png
Jonathan Westall Facility Chat
MLK Jr. Community Hospital: Fostering Innovation, Inspiration, and Accessibility

Jonathan Westall, Vice President of Ancillary Services at Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital in Los Angeles, is busy adapting to changes within the hospital, meeting with other healthcare professionals at events and conferences across the country, keeping current with statewide healthcare regulations, thinking about what the future holds for healthcare...

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  • Jack Rubinger
  • 15 May 2023
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