There’s no stopping the Lady Bugs!
Steps Challenge Brings Teams Together in Fitness and Health
The 2022 ARC Document Solutions Step Count Champion was Diana Wyland, Team Leader of ARC Ladybugs, corporate office.
Payroll manager Diana Wyland wasn’t a serious competitor or athlete before our Steps Challenge. She’s more of a beginner, motivated to get fit and keep fit.
“I was out of shape,” she said. “Coming out of COVID, being busy working, trying to keep up with two teens, and gaining weight were motivators for me."
Along with her dog Asia, she formed a team of people she works with and together they started bugging each other to walk every day – hence the name ARC Lady Bugs, but the name originated because they are a group of “Ladies who Bug” managers for Timesheets/HR stuff, etc. The timing of the challenge was perfect for Diana.
“We’re not the top steppers and we didn’t go out and try to find the best walkers in the company. We’re just people who work together, and wanted to have fun,” said Diana. “But we got really good at motivating each other via email. As a leader, you’ve got to bug people!”
Diana, who works from both her home and the office in San Ramon, was pleased that the challenge was four weeks long because she needed time to learn how, where, and when she was going to walk. She found creative ways to get her steps in like going to the mall and walking there or walking around her kitchen at night to get more steps in – admittedly a bit obsessive. The team shared with each other what worked and didn’t work in getting steps in, and it was so motivating for everyone.
“Diana has gone above and beyond to motivate our team. Not only did she create matching visors with our logo, we also received frequent emails of encouragement. She created weekly photo op requests that kept our team close and having a blast,” said her teammates.
She’s seen some cool sights along the way, like the Point Reyes lighthouse, in west Marin County, which was an 11,000+ step day for her. She was also encouraged by Melissa Fowler (R1), who submitted a video doing the 312 steps the week before.
While making phone calls or sometimes listening to music on her walks, Diana has lost 36 pounds since April. Plus she has more energy. She’s also incorporated a weight loss program along with her walking routine.
She enjoys the comradery and friendships she’s developed with her teammates who include Susan Keck, Payroll Admin., the lead stepper, who in the last week of the challenge did more than 76,000 steps, which was a lot for their team, which also includes Juliana Foster, HR Admin and Carolyn Adams, Payroll Admin.
“It’s just not healthy to sit for hours at your desk,” said Diana, who enjoys seeing critters like wild turkeys and hawks at the San Ramon campus. “I feel more energetic and more productive after our walks, and I’ve been fascinated by the stories of other teams and individual steppers. It’s great to see so many people get excited and come together at ARC for a common healthy goal and competition.”
“We’ve taken more than 49,132,987 steps together…which is equivalent to over 24,000 miles. That’s going around the world in 21 days,” said Connie Nguyen, Benefits Administrator.
“Give yourself a pat on the back. Celebrate your amazing efforts and pledge to keep on moving.”
With so many teams and individuals involved, it will be fun to do the challenge again.