Spring To-Do’s for Facility Professionals
Spring is a good season for facility managers. With weather improving, this is the time to get outside and ensure environments are safe and equipment is up to standard, guaranteeing a safe working environment for everyone in the organization, including schools which are continuing to ramp-up for kids returning to buildings.
A Spring To-Do List Should Include:
- Clean air conditioning and heating units, replace air filters
- Inspect and clean exhaust fans
- Investigate leaks in piping, tubing or fittings
Be confident that your building is safe for residents, you’re ready to conquer both everyday incidents and emergencies and that you have the best tools at your disposal.
If you’re an ARC Facilities user, you’re probably familiar with our modules. Just in case we’ve missed the opportunity to bring you up to speed, here’s our full line-up of product offerings.
Building Plans. Get instant mobile access to digital As-Builts and other critical building information. Find plans, images, videos and operating procedures in seconds. Markup a plan and share the changes with colleagues or contractors with the tap of your finger.
Emergency Information. Locate emergency equipment, act quickly and share information with first responders in seconds to lower risk during emergencies. Remotely locate information on shut-offs and how to operate them. Access evacuation plans, life safety measures and action plans from your device.
O&M Documentation. Locate equipment or scan QR codes to access maintenance and operational details with your mobile device. Find equipment on-the-go to execute work orders quickly and efficiently. Click an item to go deeper, accessing important service and maintenance information technicians need to improve service.
Healthcare Compliance. Make it easier to keep highly regulated healthcare facilities compliant with instant access to Environment of Care, Life Safety and Emergency Management info. Minimize disruptions by always being prepared for an audit. Avoid overtime costs and backlog work from failed audits.
Construction Projects. Buildings are continuously changing with multiple renovation projects underway simultaneously. But closeout packages often take months before they are completed and delivered to facilities teams -- resulting in a confusing mess of as-built drawings and information. ARC Facilities has solved this construction information problem with a Construction Projects monthly service that ensures your documents are organized, accurate, and available instantly at the end of each project.
As always, we’re here to help you cover more ground, be more responsive, be more efficient and find the documents you need quickly.