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Facility Voices

Integrating Technology with Nature – Healthy Trees and Grounds


In this episode of Facility Voices, Andrew Sileo, Davidson's town Arborist, shares his journey in the dynamic world of urban forestry. Andrew's passion for trees began in high school with the FFA program, leading him to become a certified arborist with over 6 years of experience.

In his current role, Andrew oversees all of Davidson’s public vegetation, spanning many facility campuses and emphasizing the vital role trees play in our communities. Discover how Davidson's "Tree City USA" certification reflects the city’s deep commitment to urban forest conservation, boasting a remarkable 60% canopy coverage.

Andrew also unveils the cutting-edge tools and technology arborists use daily, from handheld microscopes to GIS mapping. Explore the challenges and rewards of Andrew's role, including mitigating storm damage and fostering community education on tree conservation.


My name is Andrew Sileo and I am a Lorax. Being a Certified Arborist means I take care of and speak for trees in all ways that matter. I went to the University of Mount Olive where I got my degree in Agriculture Productions. As mentioned I am a Certified Arborist, and a Certified Plant Professional.  My goal as an Arborist is to help educate the public on tree benefits and what trees have done and continue to do to help people, in hopes people will in turn, plant more trees and help create healthier, more diverse and more sustainable urban forests. 

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